
Showing posts from August, 2022

Banned Books Week (September 18 - 24)

Banned Books Week begins on September 18th and this year it has much importance since many educators across the country are facing fierce political attacks. Here's a great student opinion from the NYT. Ialso want to share this update from  Open Campus  regarding banned books .  We have covered it before: school districts across the United States  are increasingly censoring books  that don’t align with white-washed conservative visions of the world. Art Spiegelman’s  Maus ,  The Illustrated Diary of Anne Frank , Alice Walker’s  The Color Purple,  Toni Morrison’s  The Bluest Eye,  and Harper Lee’s  To Kill a Mockingbird –these are some of the many books getting pulled from library shelves in American schools. In response to  this concerning trend , the Brooklyn Public Library has made a bold move: For a limited time, the library  will offer a free eCard  to any person aged 13 to 21 across the United States, allowing them free access to 500,000 digital books, including many censored