AP Creating Pacing Guides for Pandemic-Affected Courses

As an AP European History teacher, I always reminded my students in the fall that we couldn't fool around because we HAD to kill Napoleon by Christmas. I reminded them that the looming AP test in May moved for no one, so we had to always stay on task. 

Now, I never had to teach that class during a pandemic so we need to commend our faculty today who are balancing AP rigor with sensitivity to our students' needs during this coronavirus-affected year.

Thankfully, CollegeBoard has just released some new teaching guides to go along with their AP Classroom materials to help teachers and students alike. 

These course pacing guides provide one way to ensure students are exposed to all the course content and skills this year. The guide for your subject can help you assign the AP Daily videos and topic questions necessary for student-led learning each week, using the reports generated by these topic questions to focus your limited, direct class time on the areas where students need more help to develop their knowledge and skills by May. It is designed for classrooms that have only completed approximately 25% of typical course content by January. The guide shows how students can make up the pace by completing approximately 30 minutes of AP Daily videos and topic questions per night, in lieu of or in addition to teacher-led learning and other class assignments.

If your students are ahead of this pace, you’ll be able to incorporate additional days or weeks to spend more time on challenging topics, practice course skills, or begin reviewing for the exam.


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