What is Action Civics and Why is it Important?

If you read conservative news outlets like the National Review, "ultra-woke" curriculum is the biggest threat to America today. While reading their editorial, I was shocked at how they described Action Civics as "transparent attempts to import leftist political activism and indoctrination our schools. 

Really? Action Civics is a pedagogy that encourages students to voice their opinions, reflect and analyze on your perspective and be conscious of how others think, and "learn by doing" by participating in the civic process. I am not sure if that is a threat, unless, of course, you are scared of citizens actively participating in society. 

If you are interested in using Action Civics in your classes, check out these resources. Send me any resources you use so we can share them with the whole department.

  1. C3 Summary on Action Civics
  2. National Action Civics Collaborative's Students at the Center Hub
  3. Generation Citizen. You can access their 5-unit curriculum
  4. GC's Kick Start Action Civics. This is an online course from Generation Citizen on how to fold Action Civics in your classroom.
  5. Mikva Challenge. This site provides an Action Civics curriculum and helps educators create democratic classrooms.
  6. Constitutional Rights Foundation. The CRF has an Action Civics section replete with resources. 


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