May is Asian-American & Pacific Islander Month!


May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Make sure to check out the APAHM website for excellent resources and teaching materials. Specifically, the site has teaching resources and links to great programs like the National Archives' many exhibits.

Also, in celebration of this occasion, EDSITEment has compiled a list of resources to educate students about the contributions of Asian Americans. This can help us honor the rich history and tradition of Asian Americans.

Additional Programming
  1. Ancestors in America - Asia Society's AskAsia site is an on-line source for K-12 Asian and Asian American studies. The site provides access to classroom-tested resources and activities, relevant links and a virtual community of educators. AACP is a not-for-profit source for books on Asian American heritage and contemporary experience.
  2. Asian Pacific Month's Guide for EducatorsPaying tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America's history and are instrumental in its future success.
  3. Learning for Justice's Toolkit for “I Am Asian American." This toolkit accompanies the article “I Am Asian American,” and provides professional-development resources to help teachers reflect on their own assumptions and knowledge gaps about Asian Americans and to include a variety of Asian-American voices in their curricula. 
  4. Zinn's Project on Teaching About Asian Pacific Americans. These are effective activities, strategies, and assignments for classrooms and communities.
  5. Facing History & Ourselves Resources for AAPI. Welcome to Facing Today, a Facing History blog. Facing History and Ourselves combats racism and antisemitism by using history to teach tolerance in classrooms around the globe

Finally, check out many of the resources on PBS. For example, there is an excellent documentary that analyzes what it means to be part of a "model minority." This ten-minute video is part of the PBS WHAT I HEAR WHEN YOU SAY video series that "explores how words can both unite and divide us depending on our own perspective, experience, and interpretation. Each episode covers a different phrase or term that challenges what we think we know about race, class, gender, and identity." 

What I Hear When You Say Model Minority

Explore the use of the term "Model Minority" to describe Asian American communities.
Available now on your streaming device. 
Watch Now


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