New NJDOE Mental Health Resources for Schools

The NJDOE has launched a new website replete with mental wellness resources for us educators. 

"This Guide is a continuation of NJDOE’s efforts to support physically and mentally safe learning environments. The Office of Student Support Services recently revised, reorganized, and updated a set of resources related to mental health that can be found on the NJDOE’s Student Wellness webpage

"In the months to come, online modules will be produced to support the implementation of this Guide in addition to the technical assistance and monthly webinars provided by our collaborative partners, the Northeast and Caribbean Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC). Additionally, the NJDOE will continue to gather updated resources, feedback, and data around implementation to inform revisions and subsequent editions of this document."  

Today (4/4/22), the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) announced the release of professional development modules for educators on social and emotional learning (SEL). 

At a time when it is more important than ever to foster and embrace SEL skill development, educators can acquire a more in-depth understanding of SEL and of the SEL competencies through the following modules: 
  • Module 1 – Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning
  • Module 2 – Self-Awareness
  • Module 3 – Self-Management
  • Module 4 – Social Awareness
  • Module 5 – Responsible Decision-Making
  • Module 6 – Relationship Skills 
The modules are designed as a turnkey program to ensure that educators can use their SEL professional learning to support the SEL growth of their students. Each module includes a PowerPoint slide deck, a facilitation guide with a suggested script, supplemental activities, and associated hand-outs.   

This guide, along with the NJDOE Diversity/Equity resources and the US Surgeon General's report on mental health, can really help us in programming and supporting students (and staff).


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