Resources for Parents & Educators after Buffalo Mass Shooting

Many of our students will have questions and concerns after this weekend's horrific mass shooting and a terrorist attack in Buffalo. After all, it was a teenage white supremacist who posted a racist manifesto online and then walked into a grocery store armed with an assault rifle and battle gear and traveled over 100 miles to specifically target Black shoppers. 

This page has some resources in case you broach this subject in class. It will be updated throughout the week as more resources are made available and specific to this tragedy. If you have suggestions, please email me and we will add them to this list. Thank you all for your support of our students. 

For Parents

CSTS - Restoring Normalcy after Mass Shooting

NCTSM - Parent Guidelines for Helping Youth after Recent Shootings.  This document offers parents guidance on helping their children after a shooting. This fact sheet describes common reactions children may have, how parents can help them, and self-care tips after an event.

NCTSM - Age-Related Reactions to a Traumatic Event. This document describes how young children, school-age children, and adolescents react to traumatic events and offers suggestions on how parents and caregivers can help and support them.

NCTSMTips for Parents on Media Coverage of a Shooting. This document gives information to parents and caregivers about media coverage following a shooting. This tip sheet describes what parents can do to help their children, media exposure after events, and talks about what it is like when a family is a part of the story.

Youth.Gov - Federal Resources Helping Youth Cope After School Shooting

Nasp Online - Talking to Children about Violence / Tips for Parents & Teachers

NYTWhat I Want My Kids to Learn About American Racism

For Teenagers

NCTSMFor Teens: Coping after Mass Violence

Educational Resources

NY TimesGunmen have referenced the racist idea of “replacement theory” during a string of mass shootings in recent years.

Learning for Justice (formerly Teach Tolerance) - This section specifically focuses on Race & Identity has many resources to engage students on this topic.  They have not created resources specific to the Buffalo shooting, but (unfortunately) their archive has many lessons/activities of former shootings that can be applied to this tragic shooting. Here is their latest collection post-Buffalo.

ASCAHelping Students After a School Shooting

School Counselor Blog - These are from post-Sandy Hook, but they are still good resources.


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