
Showing posts from February, 2023

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

  Earlier this month, one of our Health teachers led her Seniors in a frank and honest discussion on teen dating. Ms. C used resources from our curricular partner, One Love. Please review this article from the One Love blog about Teen dating violence. After all, according to the article, "1 in 3 adolescents is a victim of abuse by a dating partner. Each year in the U.S., nearly 1.5 million high school students fall victim to abuse from a partner. Young women between the ages of 16 and 24 experience abuse at a rate almost 3x the national average and almost half of dating college women experience abusive behavior.1 Of those between the ages of 11 and 15 who have been in a relationship, 62% know a friend who has been verbally abused by a partner. More than 1 in 4 teenage girls in a relationship are repeatedly verbally abused." This is why teen dating violence is a state-mandated topic for the health/PE curriculum and learning standards . In fact, here are some of the NJDOE res

Women's History Month 2023

  March is Women's History Month . Please peruse the list of resources below.  If you have suggestions, please email me and I will add them here. THANK YOU! 1. Two years ago, to commemorate National Women's History Month, the New York Times launched an awesome feature called  OVERLOOKED  that highlights the lives and achievements of women throughout history who’ve been forgotten in the largely white, male-dominated obituary pages. Simply titled “ Overlooked ,” the interactive, launched on Thursday in honor of International Women’s Day, features the stories of forgotten figures like Cuban printmaker  Belkis Ayón , as well as biographies of those with famous names but who have been vastly underappreciated, such as computer programmer  Ada Lovelace  and novelist  Charlotte Brontë .  Women of color like Ida B. Wells, a famed investigative reporter, and Marsha P. Johnson, a transgender activist, are given extensive, well-deserved coverage that they were once denied. 2. I am a huge f

BHM Month Resources 2023

Below we have our annual list of Black History Month resources. New this year is History Makers , something I learned about from 60 Minutes . The HistoryMakers is committed to preserving and making widely accessible the untold personal stories of both well-known and unsung African Americans. Through the media and a series of user-friendly products, services, and events, The HistoryMakers enlightens, entertains, and educates the public, helping to refashion a more inclusive record of American history. BHM Resources It is the goal of this blog to identify great resources for teachers planning activities and lessons. This month Columbia High School is commemorating Black History Month with several events planned by our incredible MAC scholars. For those looking for lesson planning inspiration, we have also identified some great resources below and we have more in  our archived posts  from earlier this year.   This year's Black History Month 2023 theme is “ BLACK RESISTANCE .” At CHS