Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month


Earlier this month, one of our Health teachers led her Seniors in a frank and honest discussion on teen dating. Ms. C used resources from our curricular partner, One Love. Please review this article from the One Love blog about Teen dating violence.

After all, according to the article, "1 in 3 adolescents is a victim of abuse by a dating partner. Each year in the U.S., nearly 1.5 million high school students fall victim to abuse from a partner. Young women between the ages of 16 and 24 experience abuse at a rate almost 3x the national average and almost half of dating college women experience abusive behavior.1 Of those between the ages of 11 and 15 who have been in a relationship, 62% know a friend who has been verbally abused by a partner. More than 1 in 4 teenage girls in a relationship are repeatedly verbally abused."

This is why teen dating violence is a state-mandated topic for the health/PE curriculum and learning standards. In fact, here are some of the NJDOE resources for this topic:

Social and Sexual Health:


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