NYC Museum on Activism & LGBTQ+ Resources

Just last week, the entire SOMSD administrative team took part on a professional development focusing on the intersectionality of gender and racial discrimination and how that can affect our students. Our faculty will be attending another PD opportunity in two weeks about LGBTQ+ students and how we can create an even better environment here in our schools.

These conversations and workshops are vital, especially as the NJDOE has mandated LGBTQ+ inclusion in our curriculum. That is why it is so appreciated when faculty members continue their research for best practices and resources for colleagues. One of our great Health teachers has highlighted the Museum of the City of New York as a great clearinghouse for webinars and teaching materials. 

I love the Activist NY Lesson Plans, since it reminds me of our earlier post focusing on "Action Civics." 

Make sure to scroll down through all of the MCNY's activist plans until you find When Existence Is Resistance: Transgender Activism, 1969-2019. Once you click on that link, you will find a lesson plan and resources you can add to your class immediately!

Also, the MCNY has many FREE teacher PD opportunities as well. In fact, this Tuesday you can attend a special virtual two-hour workshop focusing specifically on the "When Existence Is Resistance: The History of Trans Activism in NYC" materials. The first hour is a look through the materials while the second hour features a Q&A  with guest panelists Armani Iacolucci and Dylan Kapit. 


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